Our Sustainable Guide To London
You separate your recycling each week, you’ve ditched the dairy and you’re never without your reusable water bottle, but doing your bit for the planet doesn't have to stop at home. Whether you’re looking for bars that have purged plastic straws, hotels boasting upcycled furniture or are just keen to get stuck into one of the capital's many zero-waste menus, our guide is making it easy to stay sustainable in London.
Eco-Friendly Eating And Drinking
Sustainable London Restaurants
Meet the restaurants bringing in a little eco-innovation with everything from zero-waste menus to upcycled interiors.
Ocean Friendly Seafood Spots
Alongside serving up the freshest plates of fish in the city, these London restaurants are doing seafood responsibly.
London Bars Helping Save Bees
Looking for somewhere with a little more buzz? We've got the lowdown on the nightspots doing their bit for the bees.
Your (Non-Gross) Guide To Eating Offal
Still squeamish about liver and sweetbreads? These London restaurants serving offal might just change your mind.
Plastic-Free Bars In London
Tiki palaces, burlesque ballrooms and high-end hotels all made it onto our list of bars going biodegradable.
5 Awesome Shipping Container Hangouts
From record stores and burger hubs to tiny hotel rooms - we found the spaces making magic out of metal boxes.