A few beers to improve your aim? Make sure to stop by the offy.
East London continues to be a hub for all sorts of quirky activities, from ping pong to bowling and of course, crazy golf. Continuing this trend is the all-new BYOB course in the centre of Shoreditch, Plonk, a playful new venture featuring nine holes of bizarre crazy golf with tropical decor, secret tunnels and intricate mazes.
Need something to steady the nerves? The venue is allowing you to bring your own bevs in the form of two cans or bottles per person. While it may not improve the accuracy of your aim, it will certainly help with first-date butterflies, saving those extra pennies and soothing a sore loser.
Plonk Shoreditch can be found at Unit 3, Huntingdon Estate, Bethnal Green Rd, E1 6JU. It's open Wednesday to Friday, 5pm - 11pm, Saturday 1pm - 11pm and Sunday 1pm - 7pm. 1 round of BYOB is £15.