Awaken your senses by dining in the dark

They say that 'the first bite is with the eye', but what's it like without the visuals?

Blink are bringing their pop-up Sensory Dinner event to Brighton’s Al Duomo. The idea here is that you strap on a blindfold and let a trained guide lead you along an extraordinary gastronomical journey. Without any visuals, tuck into a four course vegetarian meal and experience every taste in its most unadulterated state - discover things that you usually wouldn't try, or realise that one of your favourite dishes isn't as tasty as it looks. It's a surreal sensory sensation. 

There's a bit of fear factor about the whole ordeal too, you never know if the next bite will make your face scrunch up or smile - and without ever knowing what's going on around you, everyone will have a truly unique and genuine experience. After your meal, share your thoughts with fellow diners on what they thought was 'the most surprisingly tasty dish' or whether they've changed their thoughts on a certain taste (this part can be done without blindfold btw). 

For just £35, the Blink experience will provide Brightonians with a window into a magical world of unparalleled sensory stimulation and profound human connection. 

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