Following a recent poll by think tank British Future, expert brewers Wells & Young are leading the campaign to make St George's Day a public holiday, especially in light of the recent St Patrick's Day celebrations.
England's National Day on the 23rd of April has always been the centre of controversy, especially as other countries make it a bank holiday when celebrating their own national day. In the poll, research revealed that the English are more likely to correctly date Independence Day and St Patrick's Day than their own patron saint's day.
Bombardier have never been shy about their patriotism.
It also suggested that 76% of those polled want St George's Day to be celebrated as much or more than St Patrick's Day is, whilst 41% believed the lack of celebrations were due to the fact it isn't a bank holiday.
Ever since, Bombardier have lead the campaign to effectively change this, having set up a petition which can be accessed via the their Facebook page, which is just the start of much expected activity from the group.