This immersive underwater experience in Royal Victoria Dock let's you ride inside a whale

Predator Adventures in London Immersive Underwater Experience

So anime was right: in the future, we ride in weird animal robots. 

Forget everything you think you know about whales. Free Willy? Boring. Moby Dick? No one cares. Shamu? Really sad and you should probably watch Blackfish, but irrelevant. This immersive underwater experience puts Aquaman to shame, letting you travel up to 60mph and jump 18 feet out of the water – all while you ride on the back of nature's best aquatic mammal.

Predator Adventures fulfils every childhood fantasy you never knew you had, seating you in a F-16 fighter-grade glass cockpit as you speed up to 40mph underwater and 60mph on the surface in the Royal Victoria Dock. Not only do you have the speed of a whale, you have their agility too, letting you turn doughnuts, do 90 degree angle side rolls and drift just like real killer whales do, I imagine. Literally the only way for this whale to be any more badass is if you could use it to fight water-based crime. If, for some bizarre reason, this isn’t your cup of salt water, you can buy gift vouchers for someone you love so they can have a WHALE of a time instead. And if you don't know anyone who wants to ride in a killer whale robot, then you don't know anyone at all.

Predator Adventures is open from 1st February 2018 and you can buy tickets here.