New Bar Spy - Chinese Laundry Room

Family-focused Chinese chow awakens on Upper Street

Chinese Laundry Room


Venue Closed

What they say:

Authenticity epitomised, fervent family behind Chinese Laundry Room plan to put their cooking talents and passions to the test as they establish on Upper Street the most mouth-watering munch from the Far East. Employing entirely traditional Chinese catering methods complemented by a dynasty of culinary recipes and exotic ingredients, this family will be building up a beautiful banquet of genuine, Mainland Chinese chow.

What we say:

With the increasing progression in popularity of Southeast Asian cuisine, and more recently South American, it seems that Chinese gastronomy has given a wee break to our plates over the last couple of years. However, Chinese Laundry Room clan are coming to Islington this Autumn to transcend the true tastes of domestic, home-cooked Chinese fare. Far from the Saturday-night-in, greasy Chinese takeaway, say "nǐ hǎo" to the essence of fine Chinese flavours.