Afternoon Tea In Newcastle

Craving a scone smothered in clotted cream and jam? How about a dainty finger sandwich? We thought you might. Whether you fancy washing it down with Champagne or cocktails, this city's got something for you. So, when in need of the best afternoon tea in Newcastle, consult our handy guide.

Last edited by Talia Stanton

Last updated on 31st January 2024

Leila Lily's

2 for £15 Cocktails and 4 other offers

In need of afternoon tea in Newcastle city centre? Served up every day of the week, Leila Lily's one sees you tuck into treats that include pulled beef chilli nachos slathered in cheese, chorizo aioli sandwiches and Bakewell tart, with fizz or a cocktail included for £26 a head. Or, you can upgrade to a bottle of Champagne to share between two.

Mother Mercy Cocktails & Cake

Purchase a voucher for afternoon tea at Fenwick, complete with cakes, pastries and 90 minutes of free-flowing teapot cocktails – the classiest way to indulge. Sit among slick interiors while the talented team make sure all your needs are catered for. This would be perfect for a special occasion or as a treat for someone with a sweet tooth. 

  • £50

Chez Mal Brasserie & Bar

Afternoon tea at Newcastle's Malmasion is a modern affair fronting views of the river to boot, thanks to a contemporary dining space overlooking the river at Quayside. You'll be washing the likes of crunchy Thai sticky beef wraps and citrus meringue tart down with a cocktail or a glass of Champagne, all for £34 each.