Free Oktoberfest Party at The Black Dog Ballroom NWS

Slap bang in the middle of October, and the whole of Manchester is gasping for a taste of the sweet German nectar that flows so readily through the streets of Munich deep in the heart of Bavaria. Oktoberfest is the curator of jealousy and wishful thinking in good ol' Blighty, the richly flavoured beers, foot long bratwurst and oompa bands filling the air with the sounds of South East Germany. All that is a world away from the 142 bus, Rusholme and and the permanent drizzle of Manchester. These Bavarian treats are only usually found in two possible places. One is Munich itself, the other is the Christmas Markets on Albert Square (November 15th for those getting the christmas itch). Both of those options are far too far away to satisfy the thirst for all things Bavarian, which is why this evening we shall be heading down to Black Dog Ballroom New Wakefield Street, for a free rooftop beer and sausage Oktoberfest soiree! 

The Black Dog Ballroom has in recent months brought us a variety of free cultural cross overs on their vibrant roof terrace, the last of which being a Caribbean themed party with rum punch, steel pans and curried goat man! We left that particular party full carnival spirit and stuffed to the dreads with Caribbean flavours. We expect to do the same this time around, but taking the short trip from rum and sun to sausage and steins. 

The Oktoberfest free party starts at 5pm today, entry, booze and food is free - just email names to to get on the guest list.