Brewdog unveil Anti-Putin brew ahead of Winter Olympics

anti-putin beer birmingham

Say what you will about the Sochi Winter Olympics and their upturned legislations; because Brewdog certainly have.

With the notoriety of brands coming under fire regarding their involvement with this year's Winter Olympics, one brand have laid their opinions right out on the line with a unique two fingers to Putin. Expecting no less from indie craft beer brand Brewdog, they this week unveiled a 'Hello, My Name is Vladimir' brew and #NotForGays hashtag. Rustled up with what they say are oh so sexually potent Limonnik berries, the 'Hello, My Name is Vladimir' tipple is by no means a homage to the man; Instead, a tasty jab at the the latest in baffling Olympic legislations.

In a statement about the beer, Brewdog have backed the tipple by the nature that their 'core beliefs are freedom of expression, freedom of speech and a dogged (no pun intended) passion for doing what we love'. Available at all participating branches, including our very own Brum bar, 50% of the proceeds from this bevvie will be donated to like-minded charities.