Scottish Referendum Events & Club Nights in Glasgow

We can't say how it's going to pan out, but we can be sure that Thursday 18th September marks what may well be the biggest day in Scottish social and political history. Whether you're voting Aye or Naw to Scottish independence, make sure you celebrate Glasgow's political voice, your role in deciding the future of Scotland and the future of clubbing in Glasgow at one of the many Referendum related parties and club nights taking place across our city. 

Last edited by Luke Sillett

Sorry, the places listed below don't have online bookings available, but we hope you still find this list useful for your night out!


One band, one DJ, one nation, one pound: Fem Bitch Nation take over Glasgow's coolest bar, cafe and club space to present to you a referendum special. Stereo has been pretty damn active on the political scene this year, hosting a whole range of events and discussions to encourage Glasgow's party-heavy to ensure their voice is heard. There is no doubt that Stereo will be a great place to be on the Thursday 18th and Friday 19th September.